With Christmas fast approaching, not only am I troubled by what I should be buying my nearest and dearest (and the thought of having to battle through the hoards of shoppers at Sheffield's Meadow-hell on Christmas Eve), but I'm also filled with dread at the golf related presents I'll also have to be thankful for come the big day.
Now, I don't want to appear rude or ungrateful, and might I add that I have always been appreciative of everything that has been bought for me in the past, but why is it that because I work for a golf magazine and play golf, every present has to be golf related?
I have been given some fantastic golf gifts in the past, such as the first ever cut down set of clubs my Mum and Dad bought me when I was five years old. I got a 3-wood, 7-iron, putter and a little bag to put them all in and I can remember going straight out to the back garden and making my Dad immediately regret his choice of gift by cutting up his lawn with an innumerate amount of divots.
Then there was the time my girlfriend had the inspiration to buy me an Odyssey two-ball putter when my putting had gone to the dogs and the year I was treated to a round at Lindrick with the pro there.
These have all been fantastic gifts that I have been forever grateful for. But for every great present, there has also been a cringe-worthy one, as many of you reading this have also found to your peril.
I have lost count of the amount of 'Golf Tools' I have unwrapped. Seriously, how many pitch mark repairers-cum-spike cleaner-cum-ball marker-cum-brushes do you need in one lifetime.
All have swiftly been banished to the bottom of my bag (or charity bag in some cases) never to reappear again.
Then there are the novelty golf socks, jumpers, ties, hats not to mention the gizmos and gadgets that all non-golfers think are the best thing since sliced bread, but the golfers among us know it will never get out of its box.
However, this blog isn't just about the presents I have received, it's also an open forum to discuss the worst gifts you have unwrapped on Christmas Day and been forced to give that "Ooohh, it's just what I wanted!" reply.
So blog away and allow me to while away the next few days reading your posts before leaving NCG Towers for the holidays.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Will Spence
In this age of recycling save the weird and strange ( ie usless ) gifts and give back to the sender for their birthday.
Wait for next year and see the qualiy of gift improve !!
Have put a ban on any golf-related accessories, sports biographies, aftershave, socks or items for a tool kit.
Soap golf balls have got to be the lowest of the low.
Or chocolate golf balls, for that matter.
Or when some well-meaning distant relative bus you a sleeve of Prostaff (circa 1980) that you know cost 99p at JJB. Well, gee thanks.
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