Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Taking a swipe at golfing fashion

STRANGE, scary sights abound on our golf courses. All around the nation are shades the like of which have not been seen for all but 30 years ? and probably shouldn't be for at least another 100.

I'm talking lurid splashes of green. Acres of orange. Oceans of fluorescent pink. And that's just the belts. Golfing fashion, after years, it must be said, in the wilderness, has suddenly burst into life. It's as though we're making up for at least two decades where shoes were black, chinos were beige and it was an offence to sport anything more than a circumspect Lyle and Scott logo on an otherwise virgin jumper of pure navy blue.

Some blame the likes of Ian Poulter and Jesper Parnevik. But wherever I play, the models wearing this array of day-glo colours are more Duffy Waldorf than Camilo Villegas. And that's the point about this fashion craze. It's completely inclusive. It doesn't matter what you look like, how old you are or whether or not the circumference of your waist is threatening that of an average temporary green.


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