NO, not that sort of focus and vision. Not the sort which is espoused by the sports psychologists which line the practice grounds of every European Tour practice ground. I'm talking about actual eyesight.
I have long pondered undergoing laser eye surgery and for one reason or another - OK, mainly financial ones! - I have never taken the plunge.
It moved to the top of my agenda on the first day of the 137th Open Championship. To be exact, while I was standing at the side of the 5th fairway watching the world's finest players in action.
The problem was, I could barely see them strike the ball, so riddled with rain were my glasses. It was infuriating and at that point I vowed to at least investigate the laser surgery scenarios.
I chose Optical Express, a colleague having successful had his vision corrected a year ago and recommended them highly.
The initial consultation was excellent. Well explained and thorough (not that I'm an optometrist, but it certainly seemed comprehensive!), it gave me all the tools I needed to make my decision.
That decision was fairly easy to be honest. I went in there with a real urge to have the surgery and nothing changed my mind. Quite the opposite in fact.
I was suitable for surgery and with a fairly low prescription, i.e. my eyesight really isn't that bad, it should be a straightforward procedure.
It is set to take place on Saturday. I can't wait. It's just going to make life so much easier, well, in terms of vision anyway. Over the years I have become very skilled at putting my contact lenses in prior to playing golf, football or cricket.
As one colleague said to me yesterday, I was like the Ferrari Formula One team changing a tyre compared to him, who is more like Kwit-Fit on a busy day.
Nevertheless, it's still annoying. I wish I had a pound for every time I have hurriedly put my contacts in using the mirror of my car while the rest of the fourball strolled off to the putting green.
I'm also absolutely convinced i will be able to read greens better. Or is that just wishful thinking from a poor putter?
Anyway, I'll return on the blog next week with the final results. And before you ask, yes, I am paying for the procedure. This is not a journalist's freebie. I am simply expecting it to be worth every penny and make miserable days like the one I had at Birkdale earlier this month a thing of the past forever.
• If this blog has interested you in laser eye surgery visit www.opticalexpress.com for some of the more technical details and prices.
By Chris Bertram